3rd JUNE 2022 CURRENT AFFIERS

                           DAILY CURRENT AFFIERS


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 Q.1 When was Jawaharlal Nehru honored with the Bharat Ratna Award?

Q.2 Which country won the Asia Cup Hockey 2022 by defeating Malaysia 2-1?
Ans. South Korea.

 Q.3 From now on, the central government has announced to make the national flag of India by machine and in what fabric?

Ans. polyester cloth.

Q.4 Who has been appointed as the Director General of National Informatics Center (NIC)?

Ans. Rajesh Gera.

Q.5 Which state will host National Education Ministers' Conference?


Q.6 What is the name of the new passenger train recently launched between Bangladesh and India?

Ans. Mitali Express.

Q.7 Which country's Supreme Court recently recognized sex work as a profession? 

Ans. India.

Q.8 Which is the top sugar producing state of India in 2021-22?

Ans. Maharashtra

Q.9 Which medal did India win in IBSA Judo Grand Prix for the first time?

Ans. Bronze.

Q.10 Israel recently signed the first Free Trade Agreement with which country?

Ans. United Arab Emirates.

Q.11 Who recently announced to salute the song in honor of the late musician KK?

Ans. West Bengal.

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